Our Fodder Source Page is a rapidly developed tool to aid those who are in need of fodder to put themselves out there in another medium to allow other farmers to reach out and help. Likewise the tool can be used to alert others that you have spare fodder.
We are working with our developers to make the page more user friendly. In the mean time please use as follows:
- Marker Name –> Enter your name
- Marker Category –> Select either of the two options
- I Need Fodder
- I Have Spare Fodder
- Address –> Either start typing your address and find closest match or click the “Add to Click” text to hover over your farm or general area on the map and click to select address.
- Marker Description –> Enter in your available silage or bales amount, or the amount you need along with a form of making contact, mobile or email.
- Once entered click on Save Marker.
You can also search at the bottom by clicking on I Have or Need Fodder Banners to see all logged entries.
Please note what details you enter within this form will be publicly view able.