Grass Watch 23


Grass Watch 2023

Grass Watch is designed to demonstrate the value of grass in milk production and the impact this variable food source can have on key components such as butterfat and Milk Protein(%).
This key information on grass quality can help shape a feeding program to achieve the results of a modern day high yielding herd. Samples are taken Weekly every Monday from the Paddocks the cows are grazing and are sent off to be analysed. 15 monitor farms are used across Ireland and are combined to achieve average. One of the farms is a Corby Rock customer farm belonging to Killian Brennan, Kilcogy, Co. Cavan. Program runs until November.
 If you would like to receive weekly updates please submit your interest in the form on the right.

Management Notes:

The dry matter (DM) content of forage (measured as a percentage) is the proportion of total components (fibres, proteins, ash, water soluble carbohydrates, lipids, etc) remaining after water has been removed.
Knowing the dry matter percentage of forage is important. The lower the dry matter content, the higher the fresh weight of forage required to achieve a target nutrient intake, whether this is grazed grass or conserved forage.

In Ireland, due to the climate, we typically have very low grass growth rates in the spring and again in the autumn, with maximum growth rates being achieved during the month of May. Although there is little we can do about the weather in the spring and autumn periods, there are a number of measures we can take to improve grass production at the shoulders of the season.

If you would like to be updated with the latest results fill out the below contact form and we will keep you up to date.

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Weekly Dry Matter

Predicted Milk Yield From Grass Only: Based on Average Grass Energy

Crude Protein %

Oil Process A

ME     (MJ/kg)


Weekly Grazing Information

Turnout – Getting More From Grass

Short informative video on key essentials to maximizing yield from grass systems.

Energy from Grass