Commercial Layer Feeds

We at Corby Rock Mill are committed to the quality of all feeds manufactured and delivered. We aim to ensure that the nutritional requirements of all poultry are met to ensure optimum performance in growth, reproduction and health through the carefully formulated diets focusing on amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins through each stage of the laying cycle. Our feed formulations are designed to provide the bird with the necessary energy for maintaining its general metabolism and for producing eggs of a desired profile using energy-yielding dietary components like carbohydrates, fats and protein. Having a clear understanding from the onset of lay on an egg profile, Corby Rock Mill can help tailor a feeding program suited to your requirements.

Corby Rock Mill have become established as a market leader in layers feeds due to our extensive knowledge and hands on approach with supporting poultry producers in not only supplying feeds but also technical support on farm. Our range of feeds cater for Commercial Colony, free range and barn systems, each designed to encapsulate the dietary requirements for each production system, enabling producers to be efficient in food conversation and obtaining key egg profiles and on farm performance.

Have a question? Why don’t you talk to our experienced team who can advise on our range.

Declan McEntee - Technical Poultry Sales

Declan McEntee

Technical Poultry Representative

Commercial Layers Feeds

Corby Rocks commercial layers diets at the core are formulated around the same consistent principles as our free range diets. What characterises them into a different range is the trait of maximising egg numbers from the total egg mass potential of a flock by meeting the energy, protein and essential amino acid requirements while controlling egg profile generally assumed to be a medium grade egg.

Our commercial colony diets are effectively designed to meet a smaller egg profile than free range. Alterations to an egg profile are possible to a point and need careful consideration, relating to age and bodyweight. Altering an egg profile through marginal alterations in intakes or the duration on a diet, is something Corby Rocks field staff can advise you on.

In both Commercial flocks and Free range flocks phase feeding can be used both to achieve egg size and control it. Phase feeding essentially refers to the reduction of protein and amino acid level of the diet as the bird gets older. The concept of phase feeding is based on the fact that as birds get older their feed intake increases while their egg production decreases. This practice can be used to control egg size and can be more economical for the producer.

Pre-lay Diets

As the name suggests this diet is a key stepping stone transition from a low calcium grower diet to high calcium layers diet. This is an important transition period needed to develop the medullary bone reserves before the onset of egg production.(This ration when fed to birds primes ?) Typically fed at a rate of 1kg per bird, this primes the reserves ready for peak production together with high protein and energy levels to aid skeletal growth and bodyweight before egg production begins. Its importance is paramount in all our feeding programmes and is designed for all production systems.

Corby Pre-Lay Bone Structure

Nutritional advice and information

At Corby Rock Mill, we pride ourselves in been proactive in diet development and technical advice at a farm level. We provide nutritional advice to help with your selection of diets most suitable for your production system.

For more information on our layer’s diets contact your local representative or the mill on 047 30099

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Corby Rock Mill, Ballybay Road, Monaghan, Co.Monaghan.
+353 (47) 30099
+353 (47) 71452